Property Detail

1323 NE 15 Avenue

Fort Lauderdale FL 33304


Status: Active

Property Details


Be the first to purchase this beautifully designed modern fee simple townhome without the encumbrance of an HOA. Unit includes 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, open living space, green space courtyard, two car garage, private pool, and convenient downtown location. The home features 5 outdoor spaces, your main living space on the ground floor, and an addition den/office/playroom on the 2nd story. The 4-home community driveway is privately gated and each units has private 2car garage. The third story offers a bedroom with a balcony, loft living space, and rooftop terrace. The first buyer to execute a reservation agreement at Gold Engrave will receive $10,000 seller credit at closing towards upgrades or closing costs!

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Dianna Hopkins

Diana Hopkins

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